2010 had been one of the most "happening" year of my life. I wouldn't say the best ever, but certainly the most happening.
One thing that I did, that I can be proud of myself any day, is www.wheelofhope.co.uk, A website I did for free, for a charitable institution taking care of destitute children in Kerala.
I brought my first ever bike, and I learned to ride one, which had been my ambition since I was a kid. I also had my first ever road accident where I had to go to a hospital to get patched up. ;)
Thanks to my few good friends, I started freelancing again, this time with better scope and profits.
I brought some things that I always wanted to buy but never did, because I wanted it to be from my own making, the list includes a business phone, a casual phone, a camera and several other nick-knacks.
I've had more online friends than in real life (loser ? oh yeah!) but it certainly is a great pleasure when you actually get to meet the people you've known for years in real life. I had that pleasure this year, twice!
I realized, money is only a very effective tool, but never a metaphor for happiness, and sad as it is, I learned it the hard way.
I met Mousey Manisha, who is undoubtedly and irrevocably my favorite blogger ever! And an aspiring web-designer, who inspired me to start/resume my blogging.
I've always wanted to do this personal project of mine for a long time, this year I finally got the chance to do it as my academic project. Its codenamed Katalist and will hopefully go live in about 4 months.
The most important thing that happened in my life this year? For the first time in my life I came face to face with the Lord, my God. Several times and several places, where I felt his grace, care and love, even when I knew I least deserved it.