Katalist - Ready for alpha testing

Katalist - The new online social networking and collaboration tool is finally ready for an alpha testing - check it out here at www.katalist.co.cc

Note : If you reached this page from Katalist, leave your feedback as comments to this post.

Special thanks to everyone who helped me with this project.
To the God Almighty, for everything.
To Devaky, for being a constant support and encouragement, for the awesome pyjama parties, for pushing me to my fullest potential.
To Deepak, for the constant supply of ideas, for the inspiring designs, for being my best friend.
To Govind, for being a great team mate, for the wonderful contributions, for the all night coding sessions.
To Merin, for being a great team mate, for the several ideas, for the strong teas ;)
To Vishnu sir, whose inspiring wisdom and foresight helped us out at several tight spots.
To Shalini Ma'm, our project guide, for the guidance, for keeping us on schedule.
To our parents, for shelling out in times of need.
To Redbull, for keeping me awake, nights in a row.

This version of Katalist is just an alpha release to find out the improvements needed in the API. This is, by no means a test of the actual product. Your feedbacks and suggestions are welcome.

Note : If you reached this page from Katalist, leave your feedback as comments to this post.

Flex PHP Template Wrapper instead of default HTML Template Wrapper.

Flex PHP Template Wrapper instead of default HTML Template Wrapper.

Suppose, like me, you want to run your flex application as index.php instead of the default index.html - if you search around a bit, you'll find that you can change the index.template.html file to index.template.php and it will work - temporarily, but if your project is bigger, like mine, and have many applications, you will find that the only file you can launch is the index.mxml, everyone else will just refuse to show up.

Whats the proper way to do it, then ?

1. rename the index.template.html file in your html-template folder of your source to ${application}${build_suffix}.template.php

2. Right click any mxml applications you have in your project, and select Properties -> Run/Debug settings

3. Edit the required launch configuration

4. Set the url of the file to launch to index.php from the default index.html (incase of index.mxml, but you get the drift)

Congratulations, now you have a php template wrapper for multiple applications in your flex project.